Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hope. Show all posts

Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Goals

Here we go, 2015 is off and running! I’m continuing my tradition of sharing my goals for the New Year on my blog. Different from years past however, I’m revisiting a few past goals (about half) which I didn’t quite hit the mark OR pursued previously and enjoyed the outcomes.

As a co-worker once shared with me, goals are important to set perspective for the coming year. They help determine a general direction for your life. The alternative as they framed it is often much worse; wandering aimlessly without any sense of purpose or focus.

So here they are, below are my goals for 2015
  • Blog once a week (returning goal)
  • Run a half marathon (returning goal)
  • Read a book once a month (returning goal)
  • Take the GRE (returning goal)
  • Create a new savings vehicle
  • Spend more quality time with my dog Judo
  • Develop and maintain a workout routine
  • Learn basic JavaScript
  • Improve my Spanish
  • Invest more in personal relationships
What are your goals or plans for 2015?

[Photo Courtesy of Justin Mier]

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Returning to the Hunt After a Week of Seattle Sunshine

Unemployment finally caught up with me last week. After a few months of adventures around Seattle and a number of freelance projects, I found myself with a rather empty schedule and inbox. At first I was thrilled by the thought. It seemed almost too perfect. My to-do list had run out of boxes to check just as the sunny spring weather arrived in Seattle.

In honor of the sun I kicked off my shoes, lost my shirt, and planted myself in the yard to catch some rays and finish a few good books. This sense of calm didn’t last long however. With my natural state being mobile and fluid, I quickly became uneasy with this stationary life style. It’s safe to say that I have a hard time relaxing.

Sun kissed and mentally refreshed, I’m returning to the hunting trail reenergized for a new round. Opportunities don’t come knocking after all. It’s more of a hunt. You need to be at the right place at the right time to make things happen.

A bit about what I’m looking for below.

Digital Strategist and Storyteller Seeking Organization Interested in Digital Media and Collaboration

Smart and versatile communications professional with a passion for cultivating authentic relationships and stories for brands. I’m industrious, eager to learn, and filled with optimism.

I have over three years of experience helping organizations communicate effectively via traditional and new media. I love cuisine, travel, technology, trains, and urban environments. For a complete download about my history visit my resume here

I’m looking to create a long lasting relationship with an organization that has similar values and interests. If interested, please feel free to ping me on twitter at @jholland218.

[Photo Courtesy of waggingtales]

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Status Update - 1.13.13

Life slowly returned to normal this week following Fuzz’s departure the week before. Traditional routines reemerged and I found myself gaining a bit of traction in discovering what's next on the professional front. Thanks to a handful of great conversations about potential new ventures and life advice, my outlook for the year remains positive.

On a more personal level, I’m making progress in achieving some of my goals for this year. A few noteworthy ones include being physically active frequently, building my own Website and reading regularly. I'm very excited to be learning HTML and looking forward to hitting publish on my site next month. I also purchased a few sessions at a boxing/muay thai gym in Belltown that I'm eager to try.

The year is off to a good start so far. And as a former sprinter, I’m well aware of the importance of a good start. Out of the gate, it’s time to make things happen! Hello 2013, you're looking great.

[Photo courtesy of Flickr user bacherfamily]