With summer coming to a close I thought it would be a good opportunity to use this entry to reflect on the past few months. A mixture of sunshine, personal events, and professional developments helped make this summer one of the best. Below is a list highlighting some of this summer’s big moments.
Back to the regular scheduled programing next week. Thanks for reading!
- Secured three new clients – Marx Foods, Tripcierge, and Seattle Goodwill
- Reconnected with my two mentors – Anne Tillery and J Paul Blake
- Ran “Let It Go” – a social media campaign for Seattle Goodwill
- Helped launch Tripcierge’s new travel app
- Little sister got married
- My fiancé came to visit
- Rediscovered my will power to go to the gym
- Said Goodbye to one of my good friends (he moved to Portland with his girlfriend)
- Watched a rendition of Hairspray
- Participated in my first Startup Weekend
- Discovered the joys of Colman Pool at Lincoln Park
- Alki beach party