Showing posts with label Progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Progress. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2013

Status Update – 10.28.13

Here’s a short post to round out this month. I’m…


New recipes
Basic fashion tips

Experimenting with:


Amazing Race
Mindy Project
Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown

Seattle Goodwill’s Glitter Gala and Glitter Sale

Working on:
Becoming a better home chef
Planning a holiday escape
Visiting the dog park regularly again
Obtaining a personal CRM system
Starting a Delta Lambda Phi Local Alumni Association in Seattle
Hitting publish more regularly
A longer blog post…

[Photo courtesy of StevenW]

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New Thread for the Web

Happy to announce is now live! As explained in “Adding Another Thread to the Web,” the site will serve as a central hub for me on the web and is an updated version of a childhood dream.

It’s not perfect but after hacking it together from scratch 
I've learned a website shares a lot of similarities to crafting a blog post. There is no perfect. At some point you have to let it go and make improvements along the way by creating additional content through other posts or in this instance, website updates.

Big thanks to the
School of Visual Concepts for a crash course in HTML and CSS and Rich Kim for hosting the site. Take a look around and let me know what you think! 

[Photo courtesy of Flickr user jamesrbowe]

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Status Update - 1.13.13

Life slowly returned to normal this week following Fuzz’s departure the week before. Traditional routines reemerged and I found myself gaining a bit of traction in discovering what's next on the professional front. Thanks to a handful of great conversations about potential new ventures and life advice, my outlook for the year remains positive.

On a more personal level, I’m making progress in achieving some of my goals for this year. A few noteworthy ones include being physically active frequently, building my own Website and reading regularly. I'm very excited to be learning HTML and looking forward to hitting publish on my site next month. I also purchased a few sessions at a boxing/muay thai gym in Belltown that I'm eager to try.

The year is off to a good start so far. And as a former sprinter, I’m well aware of the importance of a good start. Out of the gate, it’s time to make things happen! Hello 2013, you're looking great.

[Photo courtesy of Flickr user bacherfamily]