Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Analysis of “Weekend”

Plot Spoilers Below


This past Saturday I watched "Weekend," a gay romantic comedy about a hook up which takes place over a weekend. It's a relatively simple movie but it does a good job at explaining the complexity of relationships.

The film follows the life of Russell, a Gay man in the UK and his weekend in the city. During a random Friday night out at a gay bar, he meets Glen, a cynical artist with an appetite for challenging the status quo and relationship norms. They flirt momentarily in the bar and then end up at Russell's apartment later in the night where they end up making love. Their relationship starts out simple - nameless, emotionless and without much context.

Over the weekend it quickly evolves due to a series of conversations and outings. Towards the end of the film Russell and Glen grow close and develop a bond with one another. Unfortunately, halfway through the film we learn their time together is short because Glen is planning to leave for Portland, Oregon in just a few days. Russell is confused and heart broken by the news but tries not to get too emotional.

“Weekend” closes unceremoniously and leaves the story of Russell and Glen unresolved. Similar to real life, both characters have independent life paths which just happened to run together for a short while.

The film does a great job at not fetishizing the hook up. Instead it takes a more liberal stance and embraces the idea that love sometimes happens without much context; sometimes you have to live life in the moment and not obsess over the fine details such as “relationship status.”

For more info about “Weekend” visit http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi2350554137/

Friday, October 21, 2011

24 Improvements for the Next Year

Well, I did it. I survived yet another year! Looking forward, here are a few goals that I'd like to accomplish during this next year:

  1. Visit Malaysia
  2. Blog more frequently
  3. Launch my own personal Website
  4. Run a 5k
  5. See a Sounders game
  6. Watch a live play
  7. Travel to a U.S. state outside of the Northwest
  8. Make more time for Judo
  9. Attend more events related to urban planning
  10. Cook dinner frequently
  11. Be a better friend
  12. Volunteer regularly
  13. Get involved in local politics
  14. Attend more concerts
  15. Spend less time in front of my computer
  16. Write more thank you cards
  17. Pick up a new hobby
  18. Enroll in a personal development class
  19. Take more pictures
  20. Go camping
  21. Read more books and blogs
  22. Start info interviewing again
  23. Visit the San Juan Islands
  24. Have fun and meet new friends
To another great year, cheers!

- Josh

[Photo courtesy of Flickr user christing]